Media Komunitas Perpajakan Indonesia Forums PPN dan PPnBM PPN from free trade zone (eg. Batam) to other places within customs territory (eg. Jakarta)

  • PPN from free trade zone (eg. Batam) to other places within customs territory (eg. Jakarta)

     hwkhor updated 9 years, 3 months ago 7 Members · 29 Posts
  • hwkhor

    31 October 2014 at 11:02 am

    Is there any PPN from free trade zone (eg. Batam) to other places within customs territory (eg. Jakarta)? How is the procedures?
    From my understanding, a company that operates in a Free Zone is not required to register for VAT. But I have a customer from Jakarta would like to purchase product from Batam, and gives us Purchase order with VAT indicated, but we issued sales invoice without VAT, but customer not accepted. May I know what can I do?

    Appreciate your help. Thanks!

  • hwkhor

    31 October 2014 at 11:02 am

    Is there any PPN from free trade zone (eg. Batam) to other places within customs territory (eg. Jakarta)? How is the procedures?
    From my understanding, a company that operates in a Free Zone is not required to register for VAT. But I have a customer from Jakarta would like to purchase product from Batam, and gives us Purchase order with VAT indicated, but we issued sales invoice without VAT, but customer not accepted. May I know what can I do?

    Appreciate your help. Thanks!

  • hwkhor

    31 October 2014 at 11:02 am
  • ernierni

    31 October 2014 at 4:45 pm


    Yes. There is PPN for shipping from FTZ Batam to other places within customs territory as u mentioned above.

    Are your company in Batam ?

    U should proceed to document PPFTZ-01 for shipping out of Batam, and PPN 10% is only apply for item which u have the PPFTZ-03 and if your goods is imported to Batam then u need to pay for Bea Masuk, PPh 22 and PPN for goods you want to ship out, because when imported to Batam, all of those are being freed so when u are going to ship out u need to pay for all of those.

    That's base on my experience. Hope can do some help for you.

  • ernierni

    31 October 2014 at 4:45 pm


    Yes. There is PPN for shipping from FTZ Batam to other places within customs territory as u mentioned above.

    Are your company in Batam ?

    U should proceed to document PPFTZ-01 for shipping out of Batam, and PPN 10% is only apply for item which u have the PPFTZ-03 and if your goods is imported to Batam then u need to pay for Bea Masuk, PPh 22 and PPN for goods you want to ship out, because when imported to Batam, all of those are being freed so when u are going to ship out u need to pay for all of those.

    That's base on my experience. Hope can do some help for you.

  • mang hendra

    31 October 2014 at 4:47 pm
    Originaly posted by hwkhor:

    From my understanding, a company that operates in a Free Zone is not required to register for VAT.


    Transaksi ini perlakuannya seperti impor.
    VAT harusnya dibayar sendiri oleh customer menggunakan SSP waktu mau ngeluarin barang dari Batam, atau kalau dikirim via pelabuhan di Jakarta, bisa disetor di Jakarta.

  • mang hendra

    31 October 2014 at 4:47 pm
    Originaly posted by hwkhor:

    From my understanding, a company that operates in a Free Zone is not required to register for VAT.


    Transaksi ini perlakuannya seperti impor.
    VAT harusnya dibayar sendiri oleh customer menggunakan SSP waktu mau ngeluarin barang dari Batam, atau kalau dikirim via pelabuhan di Jakarta, bisa disetor di Jakarta.

  • hwkhor

    3 December 2014 at 10:19 am
    Originaly posted by ernierni:


    Hi Erni,
    would you please tell me the detailed procedures? we don't have this PPFTZ-03 when imported goods into Batam (ie. most of goods imported from Singapore) I faced a problem now. There is a Jakarta customer requested us (Batam office) to issue a sales invoice with VAT. But the thing is we don't have VAT invoice, because is free trade in Batam (the batam staff don't know much).

  • hwkhor

    3 December 2014 at 10:19 am
    Originaly posted by ernierni:


    Hi Erni,
    would you please tell me the detailed procedures? we don't have this PPFTZ-03 when imported goods into Batam (ie. most of goods imported from Singapore) I faced a problem now. There is a Jakarta customer requested us (Batam office) to issue a sales invoice with VAT. But the thing is we don't have VAT invoice, because is free trade in Batam (the batam staff don't know much).

  • CHW

    3 December 2014 at 10:58 am

    hwkhor, Is your company registered as PKP?

  • CHW

    3 December 2014 at 10:58 am

    hwkhor, Is your company registered as PKP?

  • hwkhor

    3 December 2014 at 5:46 pm

    chw, what is PKP?

  • hwkhor

    3 December 2014 at 5:46 pm

    chw, what is PKP?

  • peanutbutter

    3 December 2014 at 7:44 pm

    PKP means the subject who must include VAT in their sales (according to kind of your sales) and to becoming a PKP, you must be registered for PKP by the Tax Office where you also registered for NPWP.

    In case, your company located in Free Trade Zone of Indonesia, where there are no PKP, you must not include VAT.

    However, you might want to ask you customer, why they insist you to include VAT.

  • peanutbutter

    3 December 2014 at 7:44 pm

    PKP means the subject who must include VAT in their sales (according to kind of your sales) and to becoming a PKP, you must be registered for PKP by the Tax Office where you also registered for NPWP.

    In case, your company located in Free Trade Zone of Indonesia, where there are no PKP, you must not include VAT.

    However, you might want to ask you customer, why they insist you to include VAT.

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